Action Professionals maintains an active legal department. We have an attorney on full-time retainer and we are prepared to expedite taking legal action if we determine that a consumer has assets and a balance large enough to justify the costs of a lawsuit.
Since collection agencies are prohibited from appearing in Small Claims Court in the State of California, all of our cases must be filed in Superior Court. The cost of these suits is significant, so an account must have a large enough balance (usually over 750.00) and the consumer must have sufficient assets (job, bank accounts, real property) to justify the expense of suit.
Because we have been in business for over forty years, many of the accounts placed with us for collection match up with other accounts for the same consumer. It is the total balance owed to all creditors that is the justification for a lawsuit, so your bill alone does not need to meet the balance criteria (750.00).
When a consumer meets the criteria required of sufficient assets and balance, suit will be filed to secure payment at no additional cost to you.
As always - even if legal action is necessary - "No Collection - No Charge!"